
So this trip here was cancelled! I was super sad because I’d arranged to see family whilst I was over there but I guess these things happen.

However, I have since been asked to visit Portland, OR and Whittier, CA – I am super excited. Portland looks incredible. I’ve never been and am really looking forward to exploring.

Any tips are welcome! 🙂

Another Year

Today is my birthday. Another year older and hopefully a little bit wiser. Today is about me and I will celebrate the fact that I have been given another year to reflect upon and another year to experience amazing things! I miss Baba so much at times. But I think I have found my closure. Whatever happened with us – I truly loved him – I know that now. I know that I poured my heart and soul into the relationship and I could not have asked for more of myself (or him to be fair). What is meant to be will be.

Today – I have no celebrations planned. I am tired from two weeks of continuous travel and living out of suitcases. I am going to enjoy my home comforts – sitting in from of the telly watching WWE RAW with my siblings and then falling asleep in my own bed.

Of course, a part of me yearns for the comfort of a companion – someone to talk to about your fears and aspirations but I know that is not the be all and end all. I am not silly.

I am thankful for so much. I sometimes forget that I am so much more fortunate than most. I have a family who love me beyond belief, friends who are the family I have chosen for myself, a roof over my head, a job that allows me to see the world, food on the table when I want it are just a few of these things. I live in an amazing city – in whic there is so much to do and experience.

Happy Birthday to me. I am not going to feel guilty today for celebrating me! 🙂

I love my job!

I don’t know how many people can say that. I am not self employed and I don’t have a creative job. I work for a private company and I do it because it helps pay my bills (my aspiration is complete my Masters in Political Science and join the UN!).

But that said, when my job involves travelling – it can’t be all bad. This year so far I have travelled to Seville, Spain; Cadiz, Spain; Grenoble, France; Nancy, France, Frankfurt, Germany (twice!); and I will soon be travelling to Pittsburgh, USA and Los Angeles, USA. Not only is this great for my air miles but I am truly lucky to have a line manager that has confidence in me. Management that have confidence in me. Some of these places, I wouldn’t consider visiting as a tourist so business tourism is definitely a win-win situation.
Don’t get me wrong – it’s far from glamourous – living out of a suitcase 1-2 times a month. But it’s at times like this I am fortunate for everything I have and every opportunity I have been given.

In the word of the illustrious Drake “Started from the bottom now we here!”.

What’s That?!

Oh you want me to go to Perth, Australia for business? And you’re going to pay for it?

But I’ve only been at the comapny 4 months – are you sure?

Wow – this is a great opportunity – thank you!


(How amazing that I get to go to the other side of the world ofr work related activities?! I think it’s my time to shine!)

Recognising Faithfulness

Baba: What you wearing?

Me: Jeans and a jumper – it’s cold you know!

Baba: No… what are you WEARING?

Me: *realisation dawning as to what he’s asking me* Oh……… *describes very unflattering unmatching underwear*

Baba: Oh yeah, you’re not sleeping with anybody else if your underwear isn’t matching!

Me: Hahahahahahaha. You know me so well! 🙂


No one has ever called me beautiful. Well no boy has ever called me beautiful. Not until Baba came along. I have issues as it is with my appearance. Years of comments relating to complexion can mess with your confidence! It’s not that I am unattractive (nor modest apparently!). I have been called hot, sexy, pretty (though this one is mainly by my family) but they just don’t mean the same do they? Beautiful – there’s just something associated with that word that implies that I am good enough. That you must actually love me wholeheartedly to think that.

I remember Baba saying to me as he played me loves songs from Adnan Sami that if he ever came to perform, he’d definitely go and see him. After the flop that was Geneva, I Googled Adnan Sami and lo and behold, he was performing. So I bought two tickets (even though I don’t understand the language, I couldn’t let Baba go on his own could I?!). I wore a saree and was conscious of the fact that  wearing heels would probably make me a little taller than him but I had to complete the look. He arrived looking so smart and sexy, it took all my self control to not throw myself at him. He loves the fact that I am so tall, and as we made our way to our seats, he whispered in my ear that I was the most beautiful girl there. *swoon*

As the show went on, I caught Baba occasionally looking at me with so much affection that it was somewhat overwhelming. When I asked him what he was looking at, he just shook his head and took my hand in his. I remember leaving Baba during the break and coming back and he’d charmed the row of aunts and uncles behind us. He has a knack for doing this – talking and winning over random strangers – it’s one of his most love-able qualities.

As we sat in the car outside his house, I caught him looking at me again. “What?!” I ask him. “Nothing. It’s just that no one has ever done that for me before. Done something so selflessly for me. You don’t even understand the language and yet you sat there the whole time and didn’t complain once. Thank you.”

I realise the last sentence on my previous post was a little dramatic. I was over thinking things. Completely. I don’t want to break his heart. I am going to try my damned hardest not to.

Word of Advice

Don’t make out in your car in a private car park and get locked in so that you can’t get your car out.

Especially if your boyfriend has to run home, get a hammer and illegally break open the lock on a disused gate so you can get home.

And then don’t proceed to drive on the pedestrian path to get back onto the main road.

Definitely not cool. But it might will  reaffirm your faith that your boyfriend will do anything for you.